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Post-processing the prediction results


After running the inference of BM25 and DPR, we have a ranked list of retrieved facts with scores for each question. To get a ranked list of concepts as the answer as the final output, we post-process the retrieved results:

python evaluation/ \
    --drfact_format_gkb_file [drfact_data/knowledge_corpus/gkb_best.drfact_format.jsonl] \
    --linked_qa_ret_file [drfact_data/datasets/ARC/linked_dev.BM25.jsonl] \
    --pred_result_file [results/ARC/dev_prediction.BM25.jsonl]
# [x] are example paths. You can adjust for your target files.


To have a unified format of prediction result, we reformat the result files of DrKIT and DrFact as follows:

python evaluation/ ${input_file} ${output_file}
# [x] are example paths. You can adjust for your target files.

X + Concept Re-Ranker

This is done in Step 7 of the re-ranking.


Hit@K acc and Ret@K acc

Recall that, given a question \(q\), the final output of every method is a weighted set of concepts \(A=\{(a_1, w_1), \dots \}\). We denote the set of true answer concepts, as defined above, as \(A^*=\{a_1^*, a_2^*, \dots \}\). We define Hit@K accuracy to be the fraction of questions for which we can find at least one correct answer concept \(a_i^*\in A^*\) in the top-\(K\) concepts of \(A\) (sorted in descending order of weight). As questions have multiple correct answers, recall is also an important aspect for evaluating OpenCSR, so we also use Rec@K to evaluate the average recall of the top-K proposed answers.


python evaluation/ \
  --pred_result_file [results/ARC/dev_prediction.BM25.jsonl] \
  --truth_data_file [drfact_data/datasets/ARC/linked_dev.jsonl]
# [x] are example paths. You can adjust for your target files.